Job Positions

Job Positions
Dear colleagues, For a recently approved grant, I am currently looking for a post-doc with expertise on data science in exercise/muscle physiology, with a specific focus on Long COVID. The postdoc...
The MDC offers a highly vibrant scientific environment, with state-of-the-art infrastructure for immunological platforms such as flow cytometry, single-cell transcriptomics, spatial transcriptomics, metabolomics and proteomics, imaging, and in vivo work....
The Medical University of Graz (Austria) is opening a position of Tenure Track Professor of Sex and Gender-dependent Mechanisms in the Pathophysiology of Cardio-metabolic Disease. They are looking forward to...
The Sedej lab is seeking a talented post-doc researcher to work with us in the Cluster of Excellence “Metabolic Control of Healthy Aging”. The call is open until September 10th,...